As some of you may know, (or maybe you don’t) this is not my first blog post. In fact I have done quite a few, particularly as part of the blog tour for The Afterlife of Walter Augustus last year. However, all of these felt substantially easier to write, mostly because, unlike this post, those previous ones were guest posts on a host of excellent and, more importantly, already established blog sites. Now though this is me, my blog. Content and curriculum are all of my making here. And the pressure I’m feeling is a lot higher.
The thing is, I have put off writing a blog for sometime now. I just never felt like I would have enough content to see it through, or that I had anything really worth talking about, or – and this is a big sticking point here – it would distract from my real writing. So what made me change my mind? Well actually, my real writing.
I tend to lose myself in my books. I tend to get absorbed by them, but never as much as I have with my latest work in progress Fiona and the Whale. I know it sounds cheesy, but writing this book has made me reevaluate my life in so many ways, and there is no greater witness to this than my husband.
He knows this because I never stop talking about it. Never. I have reached a point where I feel I am addicted to researching and discussing aspects of this novel and as such, he has had enough (in the nicest possible way, I hope). Anyway, for the last 3 months he has been saying that I need to find somebody else to share this passion with and would I please put it into a blog so that I don’t just talk his ear off all day.
Now I will be honest, I was still skeptical. Like I said, there’s the time issue. I do want to share these things I am learning, (I really, really do) but with a full time job, family and the small issue of moving country, time is precious. So here is the commitment I will make to you, and to my husband to get him off my back. I will write a minimum of two blog posts a week. They will be on any topic that I feel passionate about (there are a lot, just so you are aware). But - and this is a big but for me – I will spend fifteen minutes a day writing for the blog. That is it. Fifteen minutes. If a topic requires more attention than that, I’ll have to wait a couple of days to get it out. If not then you’ll get more.
Stupidly, I didn’t actually look at what the time was when I started writing this post, although I’m fairly sure I’m well under. (We’ll just pretend if not, this it my first one after all, so please cut me a little slack.)
So welcome to my first blog post as a “blogger.” Next time I’ll get into a little more about me, the books and possibly even Fiona and the Whale.
Thank you for reading,
Much love,